Saturday, December 18, 2004


I made it to Houston. Well, technically Spring, the first suburb north of Houston. But we all say Houston anyway. It's much cooler, more b.a. I haven't seen my family yet because they are at the Aeros game. But I did take their leftover chinese food. Ah, it's good to be home. We need a Chef Chan's in Dallas. Tim, back me up on this. I've got to finish xmas shopping this week, and other than that I plan to play video games and hang out with friends all break. It should be a good Christmas. My brother will be here from Lubbock for a few days, as well. Good times.

Friday, December 17, 2004

still here

I'm still in Dallas. I said I would leave today, but I don't know if that will happen anymore. There's chores to be done around the apartment and things to do at work that I haven't done all week. I can't leave til it all gets done. Damn you Halo 2, you've taken over my life. I hope I get burned out over Christmas break, so when school starts I can focus on classes, my internship, my reel, and getting a job. Urgh. A job. Are any sugar momma's looking for a man-slave?

Wednesday, December 15, 2004


I have a hard time making sense of myself. I'm all twisted up and kicked in the stomach. But it's only temporary. Learning experiences, right?

In other news, I was not able to convince one of my journalism profs to give me a higher grade. I'm still a little mad about it because she didn't really respond to what I said. She simply talked past me and said, basically, "that's the rule." I say look at the spirit of the rule, not just the letter. Hmmm...I'm getting angrier thinking about it. Must be the mood I'm in. Time to move on.

I scraped out a C+ in American Philosophy. Didn't expect that one. I must have killed the final and the last paper. He told me before that I could expect a D or an F. Either I did well, or the whole class fucked up and I rode the curve to passing status. Whatever...

Heading home to Htown soon for Christmas break. Let's hang out.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

grades, posting etc

Sorry my wave of frequent posts has diminished. Chewy, my long time friend from high school, came to visit this weekend. We had a grand ole time playing some games, going out to eat, and making sexual jokes about Tim and Caitlin, and Mallory and Andy. And Chewy got to beat up some girls. He felt like a big man. I have more to say about 1) grades and 2) tonight's Christmas party, but Caitlin is here so I don't feel like typing. Details in future posts...

Thursday, December 09, 2004

posting by email

I won't be doing it often. I don't like how it adds the Yahoo ad at the bottom. My blog is not a corporate tool. And the spacing is too narrow. One sentence stretches down the page for like 5 lines. Insanity I tell you. Perhaps if I had a better email client this wouldn't be a problem, but I don't so it is.

Trying something new

Today I'm testing one of blogspot's slick features -
posting via an email. If this works, I won't have to
go through all the trouble of opening up a second
browser window and logging into a second service to
post. I can do it all through my email account.
Technology is really cool. I feel sorry for anyone
born before Duck Hunt existed.

I'm done with the semester. Best case scenario is that
I get a D in American Philosophy. Come on, just pass
me so I don't have to take 19 hours in the Spring. Not
that it matters too much - who the hell cares if I
have a philosophy degree. But it's a personal thing,
and a "don't wanna get disowned by my parents while I
rack up thousands in academic debt" thing.

Let's see if this post works...

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - 250MB free storage. Do more. Manage less.

christmas commercials...

...are absurd. Old Navy and everyone in the ad department needs to die. Just make the clothes, and stop singing. And today I heard a commercial from BMW about what a good gift their cars make. Yes, BMW, way to tap into that huge market of people with the $50,000 Christmas budget. I'm sure they're listening to the alternative rock station.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

good fortune

We got a free order of lettuce wraps at Pei Wei last night. Good stuff. I'm a little disappointed my fortune cookie didn't predict that. Instead it said something about me love you long time.

disaster averted

Whew, that was a close one. I almost dropped my comb in the toilet, but my gigantic, broad shoulder caught it. That'll teach ya not to pretend you have an afro and try to hold a pick in your hair, at least not next to an open toilet. Word.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

this time i mean it

I told myself I will start posting on a regular basis. No more of these unexplained, two-week absences. That is, of course, once I finish all my work for the semester. IF I ever do. I'm thinking of failing, although at this point it may be too late for me to make that decision. Is procrastinating a disease? Or psychological disorder? How about laziness? They really should be classified as such. We got "I steal shit all the time" turned into a disorder. Would "I don't wanna" really be that hard?