Tuesday, October 26, 2004

thanks andy, NBC

Thanks to NBC for picking up Scrubs, such a fine show. And an even bigger thanks to Andy, who mentioned in conversation that it was on tonight. I usually miss it, even though I like it, because keeping a regular TV shedule just doesn't work for me. After Andy said he would be watching it later, I made a plan to watch it myself.

But that's not why Andy deserves gratitude. Here's why he is a true friend: Most people would think that they had done enough to create Scrubs awareness after the initial conversation. But Andy went the extra mile and called me at 8:29 to pull me out of Paper Mario and place me in a hospital (with hilarious consequences). For that, I will be grateful.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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October 27, 2004 at 1:48 AM  

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