Wednesday, February 01, 2006


No please don't remove me. I'm slowly working on the motivation to do this again. But there are so many other things I'd rather do while at a computer.

Friday, November 11, 2005

New post.

Sunday, August 28, 2005


Andy called me out about being a blog slacker. And indeed, I have been. You know, I post when I feel like it, and I haven't felt like it for a while. But now that I'm listed in the links section of Lunar Adventures I feel a certain duty to throw some content up every now and then.

I went to the grocery store today. I never know what to get. It's an entire building full of food, and I always go with the same 5-10 things in mind. And even when I come back with bags full of food I think, "There's nothing to eat around here." I need some meals that are quick (I'm impatient) and simple (I can't cook). And I'm always open to new snack/side/dessert ideas. So please, tell me, what do YOU get from the store? If I really like you I'll make it for you.

Oh, and in case you've been counting - weddings #2 and #3 coming up in a week. Don't worry ladies, none of them are mine.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

business trip

Abilene, Abilebe, prettiest town I ever seen.

Saturday, August 06, 2005


I am going on "moving helper" hiatus for...about 2 months. I think I've paid my dues. And come December 19th, I'm also going on "wedding attendee" hiatus. So if I know you, you can't move or get married. I guess you can move without my help, but no more wedding nonsense.

Thursday, July 28, 2005


Well, there I was clamoring for adventure in a recent post, and now's my chance. Someone who is running the U.S. Hang Gliding Championships in Big Spring (West Texas) offered me a glide if I came out there August 7-13. It's because we had the dates wrong on the events calendar page of our website. He called me to fix it because I am the lowest guy at work right now, being the n00b, the scrub, etc. Anyway, he said he remembers what it's like to be the bottom rung, and told me they'd launch me 1,000 feet in the air if I wanted to. So, anyone want to head out to West Texas on Aug. 12-13 and go hang gliding??

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

life tip

Scallops are not a meal