Saturday, February 05, 2005

Chain of Posts 9:18 #4

This is major Tom to ground control...It's playing in the background, and since I used up all my deep posts for the moment, I have to kill blog space until some other personal revalation comes over me and I reveal more about myself than I should on the Internet. Oh, the Internet. What a tangled web we weave. I saw this 60 Minutes special about Google. Cool place. First of all, there's a straight up MENSA IQ test you have to take as part of the job application. They must have some smart mothafuckas working for them. Check out the big brain on Brad! They're also doing inventive things with the internet, like letting you search from your cell phone for nearby things. The reporter found some restaurants in her immediate location in a few seconds. This was using text messages, not an internet cell phone, so it was that much cooler. Warning: cliched trite statement to follow - I feel like so much has already been invented, and that there isn't much left for regular people to create/discover. We've gotten so advanced that everything requires a lab and millions in high tech equipment. Imagine what it was like to live in the Renaissance/Enlightenment, when they were discovering things about lenses and electricity and basic mechanics. You could get some junk, stick it together in your basement and invent things or get closer to discovering scientific laws. That would have been great fun. I want to find something NEW. But I probably won't. TIME.


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