Saturday, February 05, 2005

Chain of Posts 9:08 #3

Number 3. I should find a way to reorder these so you start at the beginning. There's gotta be a way. Anyway, I want to say a little more about looking inward...

This conjures up the idea of some nervous, shy, person with low self-esteem. That is one way to be consumed with yourself, but not the only. Egomaniacs are just as guilty as self esteem people. The words aren't flowing right now. My point is that being "self-conscious" and "self-centered" in the typical sense are really two facets of the same problem - looking inward and focusing solely on that. I want to move beyond that. And by looking outward I don't only mean some sort of Mother Theresa style selflessness. She was certainly amazing, and I have a great deal of respect for what she did. But you can lead a "normal" life, I think, and still be that person who is aware of others, reaching out to them, empowering them, and seeing the world as a place for YOU to succeed and get what YOU want.

Man, I've said more about myself in the past few posts than I have all blog. It's the combination of forcing my self to type something and being somewhat tired. All I have immediate access to are these thoughts that run through my head all the time. 2 min left...

I tried to nap just before I started this, and I couldn't. Damn noisy neighbors. They were revving their motorcylce engine, playing that damn rap music, and shouting across the plaza (driveway). Granted, it was 8pm on a Saturday. But I get cranky when I can't get sleep. Plus, it was just annoying. SHUTUPA YOU FACE!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's kind of like when I tried to read, and you IMed me. Yeah, it's a lot like that.

February 5, 2005 at 9:26 PM  

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