Saturday, February 05, 2005

Chain of Posts 8:48 #1 Start with me!

I am bored. My plan is to post continuously on here until I come up with a plan for fun. I've got to keep writing about new content and I'll submit it every 10 minutes. (It'd be 5 if I weren't such a slow typist.) See, I don't type for real. I'm all about the index fingers. Every now and then I mix it up with a middle or thumb, but I have to look. I'm going to make a wonderful journalist one day.

It's Saturday night and my lameness is more apparent now than ever. This semester has been full of loser weekends for me. I don't think I've actually done anything social. I spend lots of time in the Vortex, trapped. Some Binkley kids stop by at night, but that's about it. I was thinking the other day about how I'm completely separated from a whole facet of college culture - the Greek/party life. I've never even been inside a Greek house. I've never been to one of their parties or functions. It's strange to think that some people go to these parties 2 times a week. It is their social life, and it's something I've never even glimpsed. I don't find parties all that fun. Perhaps it's because I'm awkward socially. Perhaps I can never find anything good to talk about, or anyone to talk to. The idea of standing around in a bar Thursday and Saturday every week for 4 hours doesn't appeal to me. What do you DO other than stand around drinking and talking to the same people over and over again? I can't figure it out. Time's up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

For some reason, I never pegged you for a picking typist.

February 5, 2005 at 9:24 PM  

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